Collapse of 35W Bridge In Mpls

Collapse of 35W, by  ebrandt78 (Flickr)photo by ebrandt78

Given that E-Democracy.Org is based in Minneapolis and many of our board members and volunteers are quite familiar with the I-35W bridge that spans the Mississippi – its safe to say that this tragedy has hit us pretty hard. Several of our volunteers and their families (including both Steve and myself) are confirmed to be safe. However, given the lack of information that currently exists about the casualties, it may take some time before we know just how close to home this tragedy has struck.

It was almost an hour, before the first post appeared in the Mpls Issues Forum.

Shortly afterward, we set up a wiki page and began to collect links of all kinds about the collapse. If anyone is so inclined, they are welcome to help us add to this page.

The local (and international) blog-o-sphere is full of reactions to the collapse. Within hours, one could find photos on Flickr.

For local response to this event, stay tuned to the Mpls Issues Forum.