Door to Door to Build Neighbors Online


Here is a great post from one of our Online Neighbors Forums Outreach Team members:

Outreach team with baseball team volunteers knocks on doors in Dayton's Bluff


From: Dan Gordon-E-Democracy Summer Outreach Team 2012 Date: Jul 25 23:31 CDT

Hi folks-
    In case you haven't heard, E-Democracy has a summer team going door-to-door
in Dayton's Bluff this week and helping people get signed up for this forum.
   Between the ten of us, we speak Somali, Hmong, Oromo, Spanish, and
Vietnamese, and we've been meeting a lot of great people in the neighborhood
who haven't yet heard of E-Democracy and are excited to start joining these
forums.  Unfortunately, we're probably due for more rain that may cut our time
short this week, but I'm sure we will prevail.  Today our team member Vang Pao
Lee brought a whole baseball team that he coaches to help translate Hmong for
us.  Here's a shot of us before everyone headed out to make the rounds.
     If you can see how much fun we're having from the picture and would like
to help us door knock in your neighborhood, just drop us a line.  We were even
given some free cucumbers from a nice family's garden, so there's always the
possibility of additional perks, outside of the satisfaction of helping to
build a stronger community.  I hope everyone's having a good summer and staying

   take care,
         Dan Gordon
         E-Democracy Summer Outreach Team